Recent content by Cossmink

  1. Cossmink

    Using a gift card

    Only through a reseller.
  2. Cossmink

    [GUIDE] How to get better trustfactor [GIVEAWAY]

    Commends part is absolutly wrong. Commendbots are the biggest scam to exist since they only affect your trust factor when you get them in an actual matchmaking match not on non-valve servers. So just dont buy them
  3. Cossmink

    Thighs, Penis, Ass or Boobes?

  4. Cossmink


  5. Cossmink

    WTS /del

    Read the marketplace rules. 3. Suitable items. You are not allowed to sell invites, forum accounts, subscriptions, or anything related to a different cheat.
  6. Cossmink

    Hello my friend

    Hello my friend