Recent content by patrich27044

  1. P


    i cant the website says that if a dont buy anything in tree days it kicks me
  2. P


    second question is that are there more payment metheds i only see two and i dont use cripto offen, so are there more metheds i can pay with?
  3. P


    can i get lifetime now, or at least yearly, because i am very intrested to buy a subscription that can last longer. also after i buy a subscription will i be banned if i dont play for a long time?
  4. P


    like i just found it but there is no add to cart button on it, So how do i buy it then. The only thing that it have is a product code: please help
  5. P


    hello, i am new to this community, just asking if i can buy lifetime or yearly subscriptions. Because i have seen menmbers that have a tag saying that they have lifetime