Recent content by Vofflan

  • Currently windows versions 23H2 ( update kb5044285 and beyond ), as well as 24H2 are unsupported. If you are on one of these versions you need to downgrade. Refer to this to check your windows build
  1. Vofflan

    Update [ 20.12.2024 ]

    Updated the software to be compatible with the newest version of CS2
  2. Vofflan

    VanityCheats Christmas Sale - 2024

    VanityCheats Christmas Sale The annual Summer Sale begins today and offers a 25% discount on all subscriptions for the next 19 days (the sale will end on January 10th). Discounted Prices: Monthly Subscription - 5.25€ 3 Months Subscription - 13.12€ Click here to purchase your subscription
  3. Vofflan

    Update [ 07.10.2024 ]

    Fixes: [-] Fix crashing when selecting team/joining game if gloves are enabled
  4. Vofflan

    Loader Update [ 17.09.2024 ]

    Please re-download the loader Fixes: [-] Fix an issue with the loader sometimes not injecting into CS2
  5. Vofflan

    Update [ 09.08.2024 ]

    Fixed: [-] The cheat has been updated to the latest version of CS2.
  6. Vofflan

    VanityCheats Summer Sale - 2024

    VanityCheats Summer Sale The annual Summer Sale begins today and offers a 25% discount on all subscriptions for the next three weeks (the sale will end on August 3rd). Discounted Prices: Monthly Subscription - 5.25€ 3 Months Subscription - 13.12€ Click here to purchase your subscription
  7. Vofflan

    Update [ 26.06.2024 ]

    Fixed: [-] The cheat has been updated to the latest version of CS2.
  8. Vofflan

    Downtime Update

    Hello, the downtime is over and I have bypassed the possible detection vector I mentioned in the previous message as well as implemented a few more precautionary bypass routines just in case. Questions / Answers: Steam crashes whenever I run the loader To use the software you HAVE TO...
  9. Vofflan

    Update [ 01.05.2024 ]

    Fixed: [-] The cheat has been updated to the latest version of CS2.
  10. Vofflan

    Update [ 26.04.2024 ]

    Fixed: [-] The cheat has been updated to the latest version of CS2.
  11. Vofflan

    Update [ 14.03.2024 ]

    Fixed: [-] The cheat has been updated to the latest version of CS2
  12. Vofflan

    Update [ 02.01.2024 ]

    Fixed: [-] Fix ESP::WeaponName getting mangled on gun switch [-] Improve visibility detection by tracing 2 hitboxes instead of just one
  13. Vofflan

    CS2 Skin Changer

    Not yet, we are currently working on the inventory changer feature. It will most likely be the next feature we add.
  14. Vofflan

    25% DISCOUNT | VanityCheats - Summer Sale

    VanityCheats Summer Sale The annual Summer Sale begins today and offers a 25% discount on all regular subscriptions for the next three weeks (the sale will end on July 25th). You are not required to enter any code at checkout to participate in the sale, the discount will be automatically...
  15. Vofflan

    VanityCheats - Free Week Event

    The free week has now ended. Even though we had some issues with the server at the beginning, we hope everyone had a good experience testing Vanity. If you wish to purchase a subscription, I would recommend waiting for the summer sale coming up later today.