Let me start by saying that VanityCheats is a powerhouse. It has a lot of features that help in the game, such as aimbot and wallhack, but of course if you want to use wallhack then you have to play in such a way that no one will have any suspicion of you, because you might get banned or have your account rotten (red trust factor). But if someone wants to take risks, that's his business. In general, the program works without major problems, but you need to know how to use it, otherwise you can only get lost. Fortunately, it is quite intuitive and even a beginner should be able to deal with it. As for the appearance of VanityCheats itself, there is nothing to complain about here either. The interface is clear and aesthetically pleasing, and the color scheme matches the aesthetics. As for me, it looks very good, if someone needs to change the menu color, of course, he will also find such an option here. All in all, VanityCheats is a program that can help a lot with gameplay. If someone is ready to take the risk that is cheating, then give it a try, I personally recommend it.