Status update regarding Vanity

  • Currently windows versions 23H2 ( update kb5044285 and beyond ), as well as 24H2 are unsupported. If you are on one of these versions you need to downgrade. Refer to this to check your windows build


Mar 15, 2021
Hello dear users, in this post I'd like to clear some things up about the cheat's status and reveal some things regarding its future. As some of you may have noticed, the cheat currently has quite a few issues related to saving configs as well as a general lack of features. I am not blind and am aware of said issues. For the ones also in the discord server, you may already know what's currently happening with the cheat and its development but for the ones not so much in the loop here is some info.

Config saving/loading issues:

There are quite a few issues with the current cloud config system, namely, issues when saving/loading configs, which sometimes result in rather cryptic messages such as "Config is empty". All of these issues are caused by the current backend, which, especially over the last few months, has been under a lot of load as Vanity/Mesa user counts increased. These issues require a lot more work than just a bandaid fix slapped on top of the already bad code hence why, a few months back, I decided to rewrite the backend completely and address every single issue currently present, as well as potential issues that might occur in the future. The new backend has been in the works for quite some time now with steady progress, aiming for a release, hopefully, in the near future.

Lack of features and general updates:

Quite a few users have expressed their concerns about the competitiveness of the cheat in its current state, and we heard you! Around a month or 2 back we decided to start preparing a big update to be released alongside the new backend including more, much needed features.

What's to come:

Due to how large the update will be, we've decided to increment the major version number of the cheat from the current one ( Vanity V3 / Mesa V1 ) to Vanity V4 / Mesa V2. The aforementioned update will include much needed improvements and much requested features by users, here is a list of what's to be added as well as the current development status of said feature.

UI Changes:​

- An in-house retained-mode UI framework under the codename XGUI / Status: Work in progress
- Complete redesign of the UI, aiming to greatly improve general user experience and aesthetic of the menu / Status: To do

Inventory Changer V2:​

- Ability to add cases to your inventory and open them ( fake case opening ) / Status: Done
- Ability to customize inventory changer cases' loot lists as well as drop chances on a per rarity basis / Status: Done
- Ability to add stickers to your inventory and custom place them using CS2's inventory UI ( just like you would place legit stickers ) / Status: Done
- Ability to scrape stickers on inventory changer items / Status: Done
- Ability to remove stickers from inventory changer items / Status: Done
- Ability to apply Charms from inventory changer items / Status: Done
- Ability to remove Charms from inventory changer items / Status: Done
- Ability to edit already added inventory changer items / Status: Done
- Ability to enable live StatTrak counters on inventory changer items as well as keep it static ( modes are Static, Live, Off ) / Status: Done
- Ability to add inventory items in bulk with customizable filters for min/max rarity, item types etc etc / Status: To do
- Inventory changer items will show "Tradable/Marketable after date" / Status: Done
- Shared skins for users in the same match ( you would be able to see their inventory changer skins and they will see yours ) / Status: To do

Click for inventory changer v2 showcase

Profile Changer:​

- Ability to change your own profile while in lobbies / Status: Done

Cloud Configs Improvements / Backend recode:​

- Fixes for numerous issues when saving / loading configs / Status: To do
- Config share codes / Status: To do
- Stability improvements resulting in much better uptime / Status: Work in progress

Legitbot V2:​

- Standalone Recoil Control using weapon recoil patterns for smooth and legit recoil compensation even at max settings / Status: Done
- Aimbot Recoil Control / Status: Done
- Start Aim delay / Status: To do
- Fixes for OverAim behaviour / Status: Status: Done
- Fixes for Non Sticky behaviour / Status: Status: Done

Visuals V2:​

- Grenade Trajectories ( for friendlies, enemies and local ) / Status: Done
- Grenade Prediction ( for friendlies, enemies and local ) / Status: Done
- Dropped Weapon Visuals / Status: Done
- Projectile Visuals / Status: Done
- Hostage Visuals / Status: Done
- Planted Bomb Visuals / Status: Done
- Bomb Indicator UI ( shows which site the bomb is planted, potential bomb damage and bomb timer ) / Status: To do
- New ESP font to improve legibility / Status: Done
- Recoil crosshair based on weapon patterns similar to Leetify's weapon spray visualizers / Status: To do

Some mockups for the revamped Vanity / Mesa UI ( some elements might change )​


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