Vanitycheats [CS:GO] V2 Feature List

  • Currently windows versions 23H2 ( update kb5044285 and beyond ), as well as 24H2 are unsupported. If you are on one of these versions you need to downgrade. Refer to this to check your windows build


Lifetime User
Dec 31, 2021
Topic creation date: 27.03.2022
The last update date of the topic: 15.09.2022

Cheat update log. (Click)
Warning: Some features in this topic may still be under development or may have been removed. Check the topic update date to make sure the topic is up to date.

Legitbot section

- Enable aimbot [On/Off]
- Keybind (Toggle Key for Aimbot)
- Mouse Based [On/Off]
- Field Of View [Adjustable (0-30) ]
- Silent [On/Off]
- Dynamic FOV [On/Off]
- Smoothing [Adjustable (0-100) ]
- FOV Speed Modifier [Adjustable (0-100) ]
- Aimbot Curve [Adjustable (0-100) ]
- Autowall Min. Damage [Adjustable (0-150) ]
- Auto Shoot [On/Off]
- Hitchange [Adjustable (0-100) ]
- Hitboxes [Head, Neck, Upper Chest, Chest, Lower Chest, Stomach, Pelvis, Arms, Legs]
- Safety [Flash Check, Smoke Check, Jump Check, Scope Check]
- Enable Triggerbot [On/Off]
- Keybind (Toggle Key for Triggerbot)
- Delay (ms) [Adjustable (0-350) ]
- Hitchance [Adjustable (0-100) ]
- Hitboxes [Head, Neck, Upper Chest, Chest, Lower Chest, Stomach, Pelvis, Arms, Legs]
- Safety [Flash Check, Smoke Check, Jump Check, Scope Check]
Stand Alone Recoil Control
- Enable RCS [On/Off]
- Activate After X Shot [Adjustable (1-6) ]
- RCS Pitch [Adjustable (0-100) ]
- RCS Yaw [Adjustable (0-100) ]
- RCS Randomization [Adjustable (0-100) ]
- Backtrack Amount [Adjustable (0-12) ]

Preview of Legitbot section:


Ragebot section

- Under development

Preview of Ragebot section:


Anti-Aim section

- Under development

Preview of Anti-Aim section:

Anti aim
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Lifetime User
Dec 31, 2021
Visuals section

- Players Alt Section

ESP (Enemy)

- Enable ESP [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour]
- Through Walls [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour]
- Show Audible Only [On/Off]
- Show Dormant [On/Off]
- Entity Light [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour], Auto Colour [On/Off], Radius [Adjustable (10-128)], Intensity [Adjustable (0-10)]
- Snapline [On/Off]
- Health Bars [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour], Gradient [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour], Auto Colour [On/Off], Text [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour], Health Bar Style [Clean, Quarters, Tenths]
- Boxes [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour], Boxes Style [Clean, Corners, 3D Clean, 3D Corners], Outline Style [None, Style 1, Style 2], Filled [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour]
- Skeleton [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour]
- View Beams [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour]
- Player Name [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour]
- Weapon Name [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour], Weapon Name Style [Name, Icons]
- Weapon Ammo [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour]
- Reveal On Radar [On/Off]

ESP (Local)

- Enable ESP [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour]
- Entity Light [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour], Auto Colour [On/Off], Radius [Adjustable (10-128)], Intensity [Adjustable (0-10)]
- Snapline [On/Off]

- Health Bars [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour], Gradient [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour], Auto Colour [On/Off], Text [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour], Health Bar Style [Clean, Quarters, Tenths]
- Boxes [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour], Boxes Style [Clean, Corners, 3D Clean, 3D Corners], Outline Style [None, Style 1, Style 2], Filled [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour]
- Skeleton [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour]
- View Beams [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour]
- Player Name [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour]
- Weapon Name [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour], Weapon Name Style [Name, Icons]
- Weapon Ammo [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour]

ESP (Team)

- Enable ESP [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour]
- Through Walls [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour]
- Show Audible Only [On/Off]
- Show Dormant [On/Off]
- Entity Light [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour], Auto Colour [On/Off], Radius [Adjustable (10-128)], Intensity [Adjustable (0-10)]
- Snapline [On/Off]
- Health Bars [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour], Gradient [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour], Auto Colour [On/Off], Text [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour], Health Bar Style [Clean, Quarters, Tenths]
- Boxes [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour], Boxes Style [Clean, Corners, 3D Clean, 3D Corners], Outline Style [None, Style 1, Style 2], Filled [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour]
- Skeleton [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour]
- View Beams [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour]
- Player Name [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour]
- Weapon Name [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour], Weapon Name Style [Name, Icons]
- Weapon Ammo [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour]

Chams (Enemy)

- Enable Chams [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour], Auto Colour [On/Off]
- Through Walls [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour]
- Visible Chams [None, Normal, Flat, Metalic, Glass, Trippy, Glow, Rim Glow, Goo, Pearlescent]
- Visible Overlay [None, Glow, Rim Glow, Embers, Wireflames, Wireframe, Plastic Glass, Trippy, Wireclouds, Goo]
- Occluded Chams [None, Normal, Flat, Metalic, Glass, Trippy, Glow, Rim Glow, Goo, Pearlescent]
- Occluded Overlay [None, Glow, Rim Glow, Embers, Wireflames, Wireframe, Plastic Glass, Trippy, Wireclouds, Goo]
- Enable Backtrack [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour], Backtrack Chams [None, Normal, Flat, Metalic, Glass, Trippy, Glow, Rim Glow, Goo, Pearlescent]
- Blinking [On/Off]

Chams (Team)

- Enable Chams [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour], Auto Colour [On/Off]
- Through Walls [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour]
- Visible Chams [None, Normal, Flat, Metalic, Glass, Trippy, Glow, Rim Glow, Goo, Pearlescent]
- Visible Overlay [None, Glow, Rim Glow, Embers, Wireflames, Wireframe, Plastic Glass, Trippy, Wireclouds, Goo]
- Occluded Chams [None, Normal, Flat, Metalic, Glass, Trippy, Glow, Rim Glow, Goo, Pearlescent]
- Occluded Overlay [None, Glow, Rim Glow, Embers, Wireflames, Wireframe, Plastic Glass, Trippy, Wireclouds, Goo]

Chams (Local)

- 4 Alt Sections [Player, Viewmodel, Arms, Sleeve]
- Enable Chams [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour], Auto Colour [On/Off]
- Through Walls [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour] (Player section only)
- Visible Chams [None, Normal, Flat, Metalic, Glass, Trippy, Glow, Rim Glow, Goo, Pearlescent]
- Visible Overlay [None, Glow, Rim Glow, Embers, Wireflames, Wireframe, Plastic Glass, Trippy, Wireclouds, Goo]
- Occluded Chams [None, Normal, Flat, Metalic, Glass, Trippy, Glow, Rim Glow, Goo, Pearlescent] (Player section only)
- Occluded Overlay [None, Glow, Rim Glow, Embers, Wireflames, Wireframe, Plastic Glass, Trippy, Wireclouds, Goo] (Player section only)

Glow (Enemy, Local, Team)

- Enable Glow [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour], Full Bloom [On/Off], Auto Color [On/Off]
- Through Walls [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour], Full Bloom [On/Off], Auto Color [On/Off]
- Glow Style [Default Glow, Pulse Glow, Edge Glow, Pulse Edge Glow]

- World Alt Section

ESP (Dropped)

- Enable ESP [On/Off]
- Name [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour], Weapon Name Style [Name, Icons]
- Boxes [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour], Boxes Style [Clean, Corners, 3D Clean, 3D Corners], Outline Style [None, Style 1, Style 2], Filled [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour]

ESP (Grenades)

- Enable ESP [On/Off]
- Name [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour], Weapon Name Style [Name, Icons]
- Boxes [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour], Boxes Style [Clean, Corners, 3D Clean, 3D Corners], Outline Style [None, Style 1, Style 2], Filled [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour]
- Prediction [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour], Onclick [On/Off]
- Trajectory Trail [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour], Glow [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour]
- Molotov Radius [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour]

- Molotov Timer [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour]
- Smoke Radius [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour]
- Smoke Timer [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour]

Chams (Dropped, Grenades)

- Enable Chams [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour]
- Through Walls [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour]
- Visible Chams [Normal, Flat, Metalic, Glass, Trippy, Glow, Rim Glow, Goo, Pearlescent]
- Visible Overlay [Glow, Rim Glow, Embers, Wireflames, Wireframe, Plastic Glass, Trippy, Wireclouds, Goo]
- Occluded Chams [None, Normal, Flat, Metalic, Glass, Trippy, Glow, Rim Glow, Goo, Pearlescent]
- Occluded Overlay [Glow, Rim Glow, Embers, Wireflames, Wireframe, Plastic Glass, Trippy, Wireclouds, Goo]

Glow (Dropped, Grenades)

- Enabled [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour]
- Full Bloom [On/Off]
- Glow Style [Default Glow, Pulse Glow, Edge Glow, Pulse Edge Glow]

- Extra Alt Section


- Recoil Crosshair [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour], Outline [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour], Dot [On/Off], Lenght [Adjustable (0-10)], Roation [Adjustable (0-45)]
- Bullet Beams [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour], Type [Solid, Beam, Bubble]
- Server Impacts [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour]
- Engine Crosshair [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour]
- OOF Arrows [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour]


- Removals [Flash, Punch, Scope, Zoom, Teammates, Occlusion(Default Enabled)]
- Override Viewmodel FOV [Adjustable (54-120)]
- Override Camera FOV [Adjustable (90-150)]
- Override Aspect Ratio [Adjustable (0-100)]


- Skybox [Default, embassy, italy, jungle, nukeblank, office, sky_venice, vertigo and many... also custom skybox]
- Smoke Mode [None, Translucent, Remove]
- Modulate Smoke [Adjustable Colour]
- Modulate Molotov [Adjustable Colour]
- World Modulation [On/Off], , (0-100)
- Nightmode Strenght [Adjustable (0-100)]
- Bloom Strenght [Adjustable (0-100)]
- Model Ambient [Adjustable (0-100)]
- Fog Changer [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour], Fog [Start, End, Density]


- Hit Color [Adjustable Colour]
- Headshot Color [Adjustable Colour]
- Kill Color [Adjustable Colour]
- Hitmarker [On/Off], Length [Adjustable (2-100)], Fade Speed [Adjustable (0-100)]
- Sound [On/Off]
- Damage Numbers [On/Off], Text Size [Adjustable (10-32)]
- Hitsound Volume [Adjustable (1-100)]
- Killsound Volume [Adjustable (1-100)]

- Hit Effect [On/Off]
- Kill Effect [On/Off]
- Hitsound [Switch, Paint Can, Turret, Custom]

- Killsound [Switch, Paint Can, Turret, Custom]

Preview of Visuals section:

Visuals 1

Visuals 2
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Lifetime User
Dec 31, 2021
Misc section

- General Alt Section


- Logs [Damage, Votes, Purchases, Resolver]
- Log Position [Top Left, Bot Right]
- Chat Logs [Damage, Votes, Purchases, Resolver]
- Custom Colour [On/Off] [Adjustable Colour]


- BunnyHop [On/Off], Bhop Hitchance [Adjustable (0-100)]
- Autostrafe [On/Off]
- Edge Jump [On/Off], Edge Jump Key
- Jump Bug [On/Off], Jump Bug Key


- Info Windows [Spectator List]
- Reveal Overwatch Suspect [On/Off]
- Bypass Invite Delay [On/Off]
- Auto Accept Match [On/Off]
- Clantag Changer [On/Off]
- Thirdperson [On/Off], Thirdperson Distance [Adjustable (100-200)], While Spectating [On/Off], Keybind
- Remove UI Blur [On/Off]
- Allow Inventory [On/Off]
- Reveal Ranks [On/Off]
- Flip Knife Hand [On/Off]

Menu Effects

-Particles [Adjustable Colour]
- Connections [Adjustable Colour]
- Particle Count [Adjustable (0-1000)]
- Particle Push Force [Adjustable (0-10)]
- Connect Particles [On/Off]
- Particle Min Size [Adjustable (1-5)]
- Particle Max Size [Adjustable (1-10)]
- Rainbow Connections [On/Off]
- Rainbow Particles [On/Off]

- Extra Alt Section

- Under development

Preview of Misc section:


Profile Section

- Override MM Rank [On/Off]
- MM - Ranks [Silver 1, Silver 2, Silver 3, Silver 4, Silver Elite, Silver Elite Master, Gold Nova 1, Gold Nova 2, Gold Nova 3, Gold Nova Master, Master Guardian 1, Master Guardian 2, Master Guardian Elite, Distinguished Master Guardian, Legendary Eagle, Legendary Eagle Master, Supreme Master First Class, The Global Elite]
- Wins [Adjustable (0-1250)]

- Override WM Rank [On/Off]
- WM - Ranks [Silver 1, Silver 2, Silver 3, Silver 4, Silver Elite, Silver Elite Master, Gold Nova 1, Gold Nova 2, Gold Nova 3, Gold Nova Master, Master Guardian 1, Master Guardian 2, Master Guardian Elite, Distinguished Master Guardian, Legendary Eagle, Legendary Eagle Master, Supreme Master First Class, The Global Elite]
- Wins [Adjustable (0-1250)]

- Profile Level [On/Off]
- Level [Adjustable (0-40)]
- XP [Adjustable (0-5000)]

- Fake Prime Status [On/Off]
- Commends [On/Off]
- Friendly (0-9999)]
- Good Teacher (0-9999)]
- Good Leader (0-9999)]


Inventory Section

- Weapon (with stickers), Knifes, Gloves and Music Kit

Preview of Inventory section:

Inventory 1

Inventory 2

Inventory 3

Lua Section

- Under development

Preview of Lua section:


Configs Section

- Settings, Skin and Menu Theme Configs

Preview of Configs section:

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