
  • Currently windows versions 23H2 ( update kb5044285 and beyond ), as well as 24H2 are unsupported. If you are on one of these versions you need to downgrade. Refer to this to check your windows build https://youtu.be/9tN3cf7jx34


New member
Jun 13, 2021
my room
u-uuuwaaaaa~ OmO i-i let my boifwendu do a cummy cum in my boipuccccwie ~! and he didn't wear a boicondomO////O a-am I gonna get fagpreggers now??? 3: I is to young to be a boimother >///< c-can I getsies a boibortion? ÓuÒ c-can I pay my boinecologist with my boipucccccwie-wucie? O///< p-perhaps i c-could offer him with a pint of my tasty boimilk ;3 o-or maybe I'll ask if he will accept a pint of my sticky boisyrup instead UwU