WTS [WTS] 3 really good cs prime accs. Green Trust

Wanting to Sell


New member
Feb 11, 2022
[WTS] 3 really good cs prime accs. Green Trust

SOLD 1st acc. - Green trust - +1000hrs on csgo - Prime - medals 2k18 service, 5years veteran coin and loyalty badge. https://steamcommunity.com/id/lemonman1234. 20e pp/btc.

SOLD 2nd acc. - Green trust - +1500hrs on csgo - Prime - 2k21 service,loyalty badge,5 years veteran coin. - vac ban is on pubg. https://steamcommunity.com/id/childmolester--. 20e pp/btc.

SOLD 3 acc. - Green trust - +1500hrs on csgo - Prime - Blue 2k21 service, diamond broken fang medal, green 2k21 service and diamond operation riptide coin. https://steamcommunity.com/id/gucciuserrR. 35e pp/btc. surely we can use mm but u pay fees
! pm and lets make a safe and fast deals.
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