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  • Currently windows versions 23H2 ( update kb5044285 and beyond ), as well as 24H2 are unsupported. If you are on one of these versions you need to downgrade. Refer to this to check your windows build
  1. InfernoLum

    Update [ 23.07.2022 ]

    Added: [-] Added primary and secondary molotov colour options, allowing multi-coloured flames Fixed: [-] Fixed chasing upon joining a match on de_vertigo [-] Fixed grenade prediction trajectory sometimes being draw when scoping
  2. InfernoLum

    Update [ 19.07.2022 ]

    Fixed: [-] Fixed crashing when removing skins through the cheat inventory UI
  3. InfernoLum

    Update [ 18.07.2022 ] TRUST FACTOR UPDATE

    READ EVERYTHING BELOW! After extensive testing on multiple accounts we have concluded that the cheat no longer causes red trust factor. Please do tread carefully and don't use any cheat on accounts you can't afford to lose. The trust factor issues seem to be fixed for the time being but we don't...
  4. InfernoLum

    Update [ 24.06.2022 ]

    Updated the cheat to be compatible with the newest version of CS:GO
  5. InfernoLum

    Update [ 16.06.2022 ]

    Added: [-] Added localization for skin names inside the inventory changer tab ( skins will now show up in the language your game is in ) [-] Added localization for item/equipment/weapon names in the buy logs ( they will now show up in the language your game is in ) Fixed: [-] Fixed aligned of...
  6. InfernoLum

    Update [ 03.06.2022 ]

    Fixes: [-] Fixed keybinds not being properly loaded from configs - Thanks Verti
  7. InfernoLum

    Update [ 03.06.2022 ]

    Added: [-] Added Remove Occlusion to the Removals, this makes chams visible even if the model is occluded. This option is ON by default, disable if you experience bad performance
  8. InfernoLum

    Update [ 03.06.2022 ]

    Added: [-] Added input handling for mouse buttons Fixed and updated the cheat to be compatible with the newest version of CS:GO
  9. InfernoLum

    Update [ 31.05.2022 ]

    Added: [-] Added a new input handling system, eliminating the need for calls to WinApi functions hence in the background, hence greatly improving performance
  10. InfernoLum

    Update [ 24.05.2022 ]

    Updated the cheat for the newest version of CS:GO
  11. InfernoLum

    Update [ 20.05.2022 ]

    Fixes: [-] Fixed being able to scroll inside the config entry bounding box causing buttons to disappear
  12. InfernoLum

    Update [ 13.05.2022 ]

    Added: [-] Added On Click modifier for the grenade prediction, if this modifier is off then grenade prediction is shown constantly without needing to pull the nade pin Fixed: [-] Changed the behaviour of Modulate Smoke, the alpha value selected in the colour picker now serves as the max alpha...
  13. InfernoLum

    Update [ 13.05.2022 ]

    Added: [-] Added Modulate Smoke, located inside the Extra tab in Visuals, adds the ability to change colours of the smoke particles [-] Added Modulate Molotov, located inside the Extra tab in Visuals, adds the ability to change the colours of the molotov particles [-] Added Smoke Modifiers...
  14. InfernoLum

    Update [ 08.05.2022 ]

    Fixes: [-] Fixed logs being partially cut off [-] Fixed crashes caused by improperly handling char*, occurring whenever the golden knife is acquired [-] Fixed Skin configs not loading properly, causing blank items
  15. InfernoLum

    Update [ 05.05.2022 ]

    [-] Updated the cheat for the latest CS:GO update
  16. InfernoLum

    Major Update [ 14.04.2022 ]

    Added: [-] Added Inventory Changer, keep in mind Fake Case opening hasn't been added yet Changes: [-] Changed Rank Reveal is now toggle-able [-] Changed Menu Toggle key is now change-able, click the spinning cogwheel to access Menu Settings [-] Changed deleting configs now requires a single...
  17. InfernoLum

    Update [ 04.03.2022 ]

    Fixes: [-] Fixed Chams -> Occluded Overlays not being drawn
  18. InfernoLum

    Update [ 04.03.2022 ]

    Fixes: [-] Fixed ESP -> Snaplines being drawn when a player is not on screen [-] Fixed Menu Blur being affected by window shadows/glow. This will make low transparecy Menu Background colours look better [-] Fixed ESP staying on screen even after an entity is no longer valid Removed: [-] Removed...
  19. InfernoLum

    Update [ 02.03.2022 ]

    [-] Updated Vanity for the newest version of CS:GO
  20. InfernoLum

    Update [ 01.03.2022 ]

    [-] Re-enabled player interpolation due to numerous complaints This will make player models' animations smoother and less laggy