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  • Currently windows versions 23H2 ( update kb5044285 and beyond ), as well as 24H2 are unsupported. If you are on one of these versions you need to downgrade. Refer to this to check your windows build
  1. InfernoLum

    Update [ 28.02.2022 ]

    Optimizations: [-] Optimized more things so performance with the cheat injected should be a tiny bit better Fixes: [-] Fixed saving backtrack records for teammates which caused unnecessary FPS drops [-] Fixed being able to backtrack teammates
  2. InfernoLum

    Update [ 27.02.2022 ]

    Fixes: [-] Fixed skins not loading on inject resulting in a crash when clicking on the Skins tab
  3. InfernoLum

    Update [ 26.02.2022 ]

    Added: [-] Added Health Based ( Auto Colour ) option for Entity Lights [-] Added Health Based ( Auto Colour ) option for Visible Chams Fixed: [-] Fixed Entity Lights not having the same colour as in the menu Removed: [-] Removed Show Audible Only inside the Player > Chams tab because users found...
  4. InfernoLum

    Update [ 24.02.2022 ]

    [-] Updated the cheat for the newest CS:GO version
  5. InfernoLum

    Update [ 18.02.2022 ]

    Fixes: [-] Fixed Spectator List bugging out when players are dormant [-] Fixed Toast Logs using game time instead of dear ImGui time [-] Updated the cheat to be compatible with the newest version of CS:GO
  6. InfernoLum

    Fix [ 08.02.2022 ]

    Fixes: [-] Fixed and updated the sticker list
  7. InfernoLum

    Fix [ 07.02.2022 ]

    Fixes: [-] Fixed spectators not being cleared when the round ends [-] Fixed console spam related to gloves
  8. InfernoLum

    Update [ 07.02.2022 ]

    Added: [-] Added Skybox changer [-] Added Spectator List Removed: [-] Removed the ability to move while the cheat menu is open Fixed: [-] Fixed hitsound/killsound custom paths not saving - Thanks LmaoXD [-] Fixed skins in the Skinchanger tab showing incorrect skin rarity
  9. InfernoLum

    Fix [ 06.02.2022 ]

    Fixes: [-] Fixed a Override Camera FOV bug [-] Fixed DLights rendering at invalid positions
  10. InfernoLum

    Fix [ 05.02.2022 ]

    Fixes: [-] Fixed an issue causing massive FPS drops
  11. InfernoLum

    Update [ 05.02.2022 ]

    Added: [-] Added DLights ( Entity Lights inside the ESP tab ) [-] Added Remove Zoom option Fixes: [-] Fixed Camera FOV override not properly handling scoped weapons
  12. InfernoLum

    Update [ 04.02.2022 ]

    Fixes: [-] Fixed Ursus inspect animation - Thanks Don [-] Fixed Chams Preview for weapons and grenades not working [-] Fixed Radar Reveal now works and no longer touches Valve checked variables [-] Fixed Remove Flash now works and no longer touches Valve checked variables
  13. InfernoLum

    Update [ 26.01.2022 ]

    Fixed: [-] Fixed Sticker searching was case sensitive - Thanks @NoHyper
  14. InfernoLum

    Update [ 26.01.2022 ]

    Added: [-] Added the ability to remove stickers [-] Added the ability to search for stickers by name in the Sticker Changer UI Changes: [-] Changed the Sticker Changer UI a bit so it looks better and is more useable Fixes: [-] Fixed Engine Crosshair colour, when Remove Scope is active, not...
  15. InfernoLum

    Update [ 24.01.2022 ]

    Fixes: [-] Fixed double spacing inside the Chat Logs - Thanks @Lychsio
  16. InfernoLum

    Update [ 24.01.2022 ]

    Added: [-] Added the option to change colour of cheat logs Changes: [-] Changed Autowall behaviour, it now exits when a point that matches min damage is found resulting in better performance Fixes: [-] Fixed Autowall not respecting FOV settings [-] Fixed Engine Crosshair not showing a...
  17. InfernoLum

    Hotfix [ 24.01.2022 ]

    Fixes: [-] Fixed Silent messing with movement
  18. InfernoLum

    Update [ 24.01.2022 ]

    Added: [-] Added Auto Shoot to the legitbot so you can semi-rage. This is NOT a ragebot and is nowhere close to one! [-] Added Hitchance settings to the legitbot so you can semi-rage. This is NOT a ragebot and is nowhere close to one! [-] Added Silent to the legitbot, this is only client-sided...
  19. InfernoLum

    Update [ 22.01.2022 ]

    Added: [-] Added the ability to manually enter slider values by clicking the scalar next to the slider bar [-] Added the ability to go back to the default knife when using the Skinchanger Changed: [-] Changed hitmarkers, can now use hitsound/hitmarker/damage numbers separately [-] Changed all...
  20. InfernoLum

    Update [ 20.01.2022 ]

    Changes: [-] Changed the behaviour of saving/loading, you are now promped before any action is done [-] Added a default config for the settings and themes sections